Micro Car Racing is a latest version game for race your car free. Micro Car Racing
is a free game for play and download offline or online.
Characteristic of the micro-car racing "micro" car is a 3D arcade racing game, styled on and off the
Level editor (command console is accessed by the editor)
Tied cubic generator (which is accessed by the command console, car / SUV / suv.tml & # XMY genbound; document% / suv_collision.txt ')
Windowed end job
~ Key is accessible through the console
Some of the bugfixes
TML can materails new format. (Converter is a WIP. Hold tight!)
High level load times
New track
Some of the key features in this version with some bugfixes, Micro Car Racing Version, has been released include.
Author: Micro Car Racing
Date: 10/05/2014
Size: 24.2 MB
Requires: Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP
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